The September 1939 mass evacuations of UK towns and cities under Operation Pied Piper is well known. However, Benito Mussolini’s decision on 10 June 1940 to take Italy into the war on the side of Nazi Germany, led to evacuations of a different type. By taking Italy...
Operation Pied Piper
During the early months of 1939, parents up and down the country received a letter from their local education authority advising them that they were in an area deemed at risk from bombing in the event of war, and that plans were being drawn up to evacuate children to...
Liverpool Albert Docks, A History
Liverpool's Albert Docks, located in the heart of the city, stand as a testament to the city's maritime heritage and industrial past. Once a bustling hub of trade and commerce, the docks experienced both prosperity and decline before undergoing a remarkable...
Liverpool’s Pop Idols from the 1950’s
Today iNostalgia takes a look at three Liverpool pop idols from the ‘50s who were household names before the Beatles cut their first disc! Years before Merseybeat exploded on the national music scene, three Liverpool singers were ripping up the UK music charts. They...
From The Mersey With Love: The Story of Hovercraft Travel
During the late-1950s the aircraft manufacturer Saunders-Roe built and tested the first practical hovercraft, the SR-N1, thereby validating designer and inventor Christopher Cockerel’s theories that it was feasible to manufacture fast craft capable of operating over...
The Beatles Final Tour of the USA
The band’s infamous final tour of the USA in 1966.