
Steam Trains

And Now for Something Completely Different – Railway Reflections No.9
Douglas Earle Marshall, Locomotive, Carriage & Wagon Superintendent of the London Brighton & South Coast Railway was on a roll. The company was pleased with the success of his I3 class 4-4-2 tank engines, so much so that Douglas was given free reign to design...
Operation Pied Piper
During the early months of 1939, parents up and down the country received a letter from their local education authority advising them that they were in an area deemed at risk from bombing in the event of war, and that plans were being drawn up to evacuate children to...
Railway Reflection No.7 – BP VICTORIA
When Basford Gasworks, Nottingham, opened in the 1840s, railway wagons were moved around by means of capstans and wagon turntables. However, during the 1890s the works was extended to meet to growing demand for gas. As a result, the works railway system was...
Operation Pied Piper

Operation Pied Piper

During the early months of 1939, parents up and down the country received a letter from their local education authority advising them that they were in an area deemed at risk from bombing in the event of war, and that plans were being drawn up to evacuate children to...

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